
Biographies are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

One of the greatest things you can do for your homeschooled kids is to introduce them to wonderful examples of Christian faith. The easiest way to do this is to regularly add biographies to their diet of literature. Biographies give your children real heroes to emulate!

Softcover, 192 pgs, 9780679728221

A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt (Homeschool subjects covered: history renaissance and reformation, martyrs) Robert Bolt's classic play...

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Softcover, 9780915134939

Abraham Lincoln endured much suffering in his lifetime, but he was a true sower of faith and freedom. The life of Abraham Lincoln is well recorded for history - through his own journals and the detailed research of countless historians. But sadly, the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln has seldom been reported, partly because he held no formal church membership. This book explores the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln, relying on his own words and the observations of his family, his friends, and historians.

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$8.50   $5.10
Softcover, 151 pgs, 9780802852168

"The soldier heaved me over his shoulder as if I were a spring lamb.
"I am not Israelite!" I screamed.

Sold into slavery, Adara becomes a servant to General Namaan and his family and begins a remarkable journey of self-discovery, healing, and redemption a journey that, in the end, faces herwith the hardest decision of her life . . .

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Softcover, 95 pgs, 9781893103016

"One of the most important figures to come out of the awakening world of the Renaissance was Galileo Galelei. Often referred to as the "Archimedes of his time" Galileo was forever asking questions. Is it possible to measure heat? Is it possible to weigh air? Does the earth stand still or does it move? How fast do objects fall to the earth? His questions led to some of the most important answers of the scientific world

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Softcover, 45 pgs, 9780698113510

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz is the story of Paul's famous ride before the Battle of Lexington on the eve of the Revolutionary War. Jean Fritz historical children's books are written sort of journalistically (if that is a word), but she has this great knack for finding unusual tidbits about famous historical figures that make them pop from the page and come alive.

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Softcover, 9780698116382

This classic, by Jean Fritz covers the era of exploration from 1421 to 1522. Like most Jean Fritz books, this one is charmingly illustrated with maps, portraits, and scenes of the period. Jean tells 10 tales of famous explorers and their exploits: Prince Henry the Navigator, Bartholomew Diaz, Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, Pedro Cabral, John Cabot, Amerigo Vespucci, Ponce de Leon, Vasco de Balboa, and Ferdinand Magellan. This book makes an excellent addition to any study of the Renaissance.

Augustine Came to Kent
$13.95   $8.77
Softcover, 179, 9781883937218

It is the year 597 and Pope Gregory is sending a select number of his monks, led by Fr. Augustine, to re-evangelize England. Young Wolf, born in that land but raised in Rome, accompanies his father, Wolfstan, who goes as a guide and interpreter. Though the King of Kent's wife is a Christian, the missionaries from Rome do not know whether they will be welcomed, tolerated or martyred. In a story full of adventure, Wolf meets Fritha, a Saxon girl whose life and destiny are soon closely bound up with his own.

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Softcover, 160 pgs, 9780394849287

Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia is back in print! A Landmark Book. Full of interesting facts and a lively biography for kids involving the events surrounding the birth of our nation as seen through the eyes of Ben Franklin. This is one of the books necessary to complete the PA Keystones 2 history study.

Softcover, 192 pgs, 9780395981382

The king was going mad . . . So begins Polly Schoyer Brooks's account of one of history's most compelling stories and one of the world's most popular heroines-Joan of Arc. Brooks tells us of a fifteenth-century France ravaged by war, plague, and religious conflict; of a king who suffered fits of madness and his weak son who made a disappointing successor; and of a peasant girl from the countryside who accomplished what appeared to be miracles by rallying the dispirited French nation with her desire to see the rightful king rule. 

Softcover, 127 pgs, 9780698116097

This delightful biography of President Teddy Roosevelt was written by Jean Fritz. She has a knack for finding interesting trivia about individuals, and using that knowledge to make her characters come alive. Clearly depicting the zeal and enthusiasm of the man, you'll read of his many exploits, including studying birds, hunting, and roping exotic animals, writing books, fighting, and exploration. He served as governor, vice president, and president. This book would make an excellent addition to any study of recent American history or New York history.

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Softcover, 48 pgs, 9780698114029

This entertaining volume sheds light on the life of England's King George III. It begins when he was a bashful boy who blushed easily, goes on to his early days as king, and finally examines his role in the American Revolution - when Americans ceased to think of him as good King George. Fascinating history made accessible for young readers.

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Co. Aytch
$15.00   $9.00
Softcover, 256 pgs, 9780743255417

Early in May 1861, twenty-one-year-old Sam R. Watkins of Columbia, Tennessee, joined the First Tennessee Regiment, Company H, to fight for the Confederacy. Of the 120 original recruits in his company, Watkins was one of only seven to survive every one of its battles, from Shiloh to Nashville. Twenty years later, with a "house full of young 'rebels' clustering around my knees and bumping about my elbows," he wrote this remarkable account of "Co. Aytch".

Doomed Queen Anne
$6.95   $4.79
Softcover, 213 pgs, 9780152050863

In 1520, thirteen-year-old Anne Boleyn, jealous of her older sister's beauty and position at court, declares that she will one day be queen of England, and that her sister will kneel at her feet. Though born without great beauty, wealth, or title, Anne Boleyn blossomed into a captivating woman. She used her wiles to win the heart of England's most powerful man, King Henry VIII, and to persuade him to defy everyone--including his own wife--to make her his new queen. But Anne's ambition proved to be her fatal flaw.

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Softcover, 192 pages, 9780875526416

Dr Oma is a story set in the time of the reformation. Juliana von Stolberg (1506 – 1580) the Queen Mother of the Netherlands, is cherished by the Dutch people as a wise and gifted healer. Juliana gains an able apprentice when her granddaughter Maria comes to live with her. Will Maria learn to trust her fears to God while her father, the courageous William of Orange, fights to free Holland from Spanish rule? Will one woman’s belief save the Netherlands and change the world? 

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Softcover, 9781933573205

Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pinesa sensitive, appealing and lively biography of America's beloved composer which boys and girls (all others, too) will take to their hearts and treasure. His Quaker beginnings, his irrepressible interest in music, his youthful triumphs abroad, his visit to the master, Franz Liszt, who greeted him warmly and asked him back again to play at the festival in Zurich - his romance with his pupil, the lovely Marian Nevins, their marriage and return to America, the launching of the Peterboro, New Hampshire, colony, which bears his name - these are some of the delightful stories in the rich career of America's greatest composer, told gently, sensitively and with feeling, in a truly inspiring book.

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Softcover, 176 pgs, 9781556611506

This is the fascinating biography of the Scottish hero of the 1924 Olympics whose story was portrayed in Chariots of Fire and who went on to become a missionary in China.

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Eric Liddell: Pure Gold
$14.99   $8.99
Softcover, 336 pgs, 9781572931305

Most people will remember Eric Liddell as the inspiration for the award-winning movie Chariots of Fire. But his life away from athletic competition was even more compelling and held an influence that reached all the way to a Japanese internment camp in China.

Softcover, 9780915134915

This courageous Christian penned The Star Spangled Banner.  Francis Scott Key sowed seeds of aith to his family and friends all his life. The beauty of his words and the example of his Chritian life allow us to appreciate him today.

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George Washington
$6.95   $4.19
Softcover, 48 pgs, 9780792254904

Cheryl Harness uses her wonderfully vibrant art and down-to-earth writing style to "chip away the marble" and present George Washington as more than a monument. We see George the adventurous boy, tromping through the woods with his dog and his hunting rifle; George the courageous military leader fighting alongside his men; George the cunning military strategist, outfoxing the British and forcing their surrender at Yorktown; George the brilliant statesman presiding over the Constitutional Convention; and George the President, wisely protecting our country from enemies foreign and domestic so it could grow strong. 

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I, Juan de Pareja
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 180 pgs, 9780312380052

When the great Velazquez was painting his masterpieces at the Spanish court in the seventeenth century, his colors were expertly mixed and his canvases carefully prepared by his slave, Juan de Pareja. In a vibrant novel which depicts both the beauty and the cruelty of the time and place, Elizabeth Borton de Trevino tells the story of Juan, who was born a slave and died an accomplished and respected artist.

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Softcover, 194 pgs, 9781883937492

Young Simon, recently and tragically orphaned, becomes a scribe in the following of the exiled Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. The uncertainty of the tumultuous years leading to the infamous cathedral slaying is heightened by Simon's separation from his twin Edmund, who is in the service of King Henry II.


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Softcover, 320 pgs, 9780486423623

At the end of the 13th century, the oppressed Scots rebelled against England under the leadership of William Wallace, a scottish knight who fought for Scotland's independence, and Robert the Bruce, who was eventually crowned king of Scotland. This gripping tale of courage, loyalty, and ingenuity takes readers into heroic company with a fictional protagonist, young Archie Forbes, who fights alongside the legendary heroes.


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Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689839245

This biography of the author of the popular "Little House" books tells her family's real life on the American frontier, and of the events that surpassed the drama of her stories. 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 238 pgs, 9780060581800

Little House in the Big Woods is the 1st book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder that described life on the frontier in the middle of the 19th century. Laura and her family pack up all of their earthly belongings and travel across several states to settle on the prairie. Their adventures are exciting and even hair-raising. Facing loneliness, danger, deprivation, and loss, the Ingalls family make an incredible journey to build a new life on the frontier. Illustrated. This book makes an excellent addition to any study of US history and frontier life.


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Softcover, 66 pgs, 9780375803970

George Washington grew up in the English colony of Virginia. He was tall and strong, fair in judgement, and respected by his friends as a good leader. As he grew older, George saw how England took advantage of the American colonies--and he didn't like it. When the colonies declared their independence, George was chosen to lead their army as its general. And when the colonies won their freedom, George was elected to lead the new nation as its first president.


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Of Plymouth Plantation
$7.95   $4.77
Softcover, 235 pgs, 9780486452609

The most important source of information about Plymouth, this landmark account was written by the colony's governor. It vividly documents the Pilgrims' transatlantic crossing and early days in the settlement. I read this book a number of years ago. Admittedly it wasn't an easy read, as it was written nearly 400 years ago, and the archaic language has been preserved. However, if you can push through, you'll find it a wonderfully inspiring firsthand account of a man (Governor Bradford) who was witness to some amazing miracles from the hand of God on behalf of His people. 

Softcover, 152 pgs, 9780880620499

On a cold February day, Samuel was studying in his overcoat, rubbing his chilled fingers, when a loud knock at the front door startled him. His good friend Lowell Mason had come to remind Samuel of a promise. A New England pastor, he wrote the lyrics to "America, My Country 'Tis of Thee.

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Son of Charlemagne
$13.95   $8.37
Softcover, 208 pgs, 9781883937300

The year is A.D. 781. King Charles of the Franks is crossing the Alps with his family and court on a journey to meet with Pope Hadrian. One frosty night he speaks to his young son Carl: "When we come to Rome you will know that I am naming you my heir. One day you will rule over all my lands. . . ." But the King already had an heir, Pepin the Hunchback, mockingly called Gobbo. Was he to be dispossessed? Yet Carl sees that Charlemagne is determined to do what he feels is best to serve God and Europe.


Softcover, 32 pgs, 9780395764817

The story of Sundiata, son of the king of Mali in the time of the great trading empires of Africa some eight hundred years ago, is a powerful tale of courage and determination. As a boy, Sundiata was unable to speak or walk. He overcame these obstacles, but was driven into exile by a rival queen. When Mali was overrun by intruders, 18-year-old Sundiata returned to defeat them and reclaim the throne. Full color.


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The Betrayal
$14.99   $8.97
Softcover, 383 pgs, 9781596381254

Enter the brilliance and decadence of renaissance France in this fast-paced biographical novel on John Calvin. Told from the perspective of a rival whose envy escalates to violent intrigue and shameless betrayal, The Betrayal is a tale of how God uses the humility and unflinching faithfulness of Calvin to break down the barrenness and bitterness of a chief of sinners—all accomplished by grace alone.


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Softcover, 160 pgs, 9780375803468

Kidnapped at the age of 11 from his home in Benin, Africa, Olaudah Equiano spent the next 11 years as a slave in England, the U.S., and the West Indies, until he was able to buy his freedom. His autobiography, published in 1789, was a bestseller in its own time. Cameron has modernized and shortened it while remaining true to the spirit of the original. It's a gripping story of adventure, betrayal, cruelty, and courage. In searing scenes, Equiano describes the savagery of his capture, the appalling conditions on the slave ship, the auction, and the forced labor. . . . Kids will read this young man's story on their own; it will also enrich curriculum units on history and on writing.  


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Softcover, 119 pgs, 9780836118285

"Erasmus laid the egg that Luther hatched" is what the people said. And that made young Gerhard Koestler smile. He knew that Erasmus had influenced Luther's thinking. He also believed both men were trying to serve God according to the Scriptures. Young Gerhard Koestler lived in Germany in the 1500s. He inherited money and a castle when his rich parents died. After a series of adventures and narrow escapes, Gerhard arrived in Basel, Switzerland, where he was able to live in the same house as Erasmus. Although Erasmus' enemies accused him of agreeing with Martin Luther, Erasmus said that the Bible was his guide.


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The Secret Soldier
$5.95   $3.59
Softcover, 64 pgs, 9780590430524

The Secret Soldier is based on the true story of Deborah Sampson. Deborah wanted to travel and have adventures, but since she had no money, the best way to do that was to join the army. This is the exciting true story of a woman who became a soldier during the American Revolutionary War, by dressing and acting like a man. In real life, Deborah fought for her country and was injured in battle, but received an honorable discharge at the end of the war because she not only fought valiantly, but she did so with honor while "at the same time preserving the virtue and chastity of her sex, unsuspected and unblemished".


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Softcover, 208 pgs, 9781932096101

"Children and adults alike love the popular Christian Heroes: Then & Now series. Now Christian Heroes authors Janet and Geoff Benge tell the stories of Heroes of History with the same engaging narrative style and historical depth! This new series brings the shaping of history to life with the remarkable true stories of fascinating men and women who changed the course of history. An Explorer, writer, thinker, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) greatly influenced the character and thought of the U.S. as its 26th president.

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Thomas Edison For Kids
$11.95   $7.19
Softcover, 147 pgs, 9781556525841

Thomas Edison for Kids provides a unique approach for your homeschool student to study history:  by actually doing it.  If you are studying inventors and inventions or famous Americans, why not actually tie your science in by actually having them do some of the same experiments Thomas Edison did?  It's a brilliant idea!  

This book not only provides the biography of Thomas Edison, as well as the history of his many inventions, but it also gives step by step instructions for more than 20 activities (including a dancing puppet that moves with static electricity).  

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Under Drake's Flag
$5.95   $3.57
Softcover, 298 pgs, 9780486442150

From the "Prince of Storytellers," an exciting account of life on the high seas as seen through the eyes of young Ned Hearne. The brave 16th-century teen sails with Francis Drake, experiences a harsh seafaring life, visits unexplored lands; and witnesses the great naval battle between the English fleet and the Spanish Armada.


Softcover, 182 pgs, 9781883937966

Thirteen-year-old Bani, though born in Jerusalem, has lived from infancy with his uncle in beautiful Susa, the city of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Now, his Uncle Nehemiah wants to leave his position of high honor as Cupbearer to the King to return to Jerusalem, a city in ruins and beset by every kind of trouble! Nehemiah's request of the king, permission to return to help his own people, could so easily—in an empire riddled with political intrigue—be misconstrued as treasonous scheming. Bani himself is given an unexpected part to play, the outcome of which is to forever change his life. Seen through the eyes of Bani, this novel dramatizes a turning-point of history, in 445 BC, when—through confrontation and daring risks—Judaism was re-established in the Promised Land, and purified for her unfolding mission.


Softcover, 80 pgs, 9780698115804

"In a simple, short biography of Columbus she has been extraordinarily successful in extracting the essence of the man." -- "The Horn Book." "Fritz's unconventional look at the great explorer who accidently discovered the New World reveals the navigator's obstinate as well as his visionary side." -- "School Library Journal"

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Wings Like a Dove
$11.99   $7.17
Softcover, 208 pages, 9780875526423

When she converted to Protestantism, Jeanne found freedom of conscience. She hid Reformed ministers who were being persecuted, and she built schools and hospitals.

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Wright Brothers For Kids
$11.95   $7.19
Softcover, 146 pgs, 9781556524776

The Wright Brothers for Kids provides a unique approach for your homeschool student to study history:  by actually doing it.  If you are studying inventors and inventions or famous Americans, why not actually tie your science in by actually having them do some of the same experiments the Wright brothers did?  It's a brilliant idea!  

This book not only provides the biography of the Wright brothers, as well as the history of flight, but it also gives step by step instructions for more than 20 activities (including building a rubberband - propelled plane). 

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