
Electives are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Electives are, I think, the icing on our educational cake.  After the core subjects, electives are those pursuits that personalize your homeschool to your student's interests and talents.  Any study or pursuit can be an elective, but in this section we've included art, home ec (cooking, sewing, home care), auto mechanics, health, computer science, entrepreneurship, and more.  And, of course, we try to make your electives as afordable as possible for your student's future.  Enjoy!

Softcover, 9780942617504

This guide is designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in "The Clipper Ship Strategy," an Uncle Eric book by Richard J. Maybury.  Comprehension questions are given for each chapter and may include definition, true/false, and/or short answer questions.  

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Softcover, 64 pgs, 9780977859757

The Draw and Write Through History books are designed to give your child drawing lessons that integrate with his history studies and penmanship. Each picture is broken down step-by-step, then presented in full color. Each picture also gives a copywork story based on the event pictured. In Draw and Write Through History:  Invention, Exploration, and War: The 20th Century, your student will draw and learn about Harry Truman, the Space Shuttle, and more. This is truly a gorgeous book, and your children will learn so much through its pages!

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ES - Flirting with Fleece
$14.95   $7.48

Flirting with Fleece includes patterns to make a couple of different styles of hats, scarves, mittens and more! These are really stylish and easy to make. 

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ES Pillow Power
$12.95   $6.95

Pillow Power has projects for different-shaped decorative pillows, including a star, a heart, a tootsie roll, a square, and a flower-shaped pillow. 

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ES Slumber Party
$14.95   $6.95

Slumber Party includes patterns to make 3 variations of pajamas, as well as a bag to carry their blanket and pillow, and a sleeping mask. The pajamas are sized for girls from about size 8-10 up to juniors. 

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Softcover, 284 pgs, 9781561486854

 One of the bestselling slow-cooker cookbooks of all time, with more than 5 million copies sold, this collection of 700 recipes gives you everything you need to prepare outstanding breakfasts, lunches, and dinners, plus appetizers and desserts.

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Softcover, 64 pgs, 9780876780985

This is the seventh of a seven book series (K-6th grade) providing instruction in italic handwriting. We recommend Book G for students in the sixth grade and beyond (although older students might prefer our more comprehensive book for adults "Write Now"). The final book in the series contains practice paragraphs acquainting the student with a brief history of the origins of our letters, from cave paintings to copperplate.

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Money and Taxes in a Micro Business helps you to grow your business.  Imagine having a business that has grown so large that you have to actually pay taxes! After you have started a micro business and run it for a while, you may wonder…


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Softcover, 303 pgs, 9781600510533

This is the answer key for Spanish for Children Primer B. Homeschooling parents, especially those who are learning Spanish alongside their students, will find this answer key particularly useful. It includes the worksheets and quizzes from the Primer with the answers in a large bold font.

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DVD, 9781600510625

Imagine having an energetic and passionate Spanish teacher walk right into your home and sit down to teach your students. That can virtually happen when children learn with Spanish for Children author Julia Kraut on the corresponding Spanish for Children Primer B DVD and Chant CD Set.

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Softcover, 336 pgs, 9781583312308

Total Health: Talking About Life's Changes focuses on the early teen years. Included in the student text are quotes from Junior High students from Christian schools expressing their questions and concerns about life. The author integrates scriptures and personal testimonies that help teens understand the value of opening up to their parent(s) and to God as they face their unique challenges


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Softcover, 268 pgs, 9780942617320

The events of the Thousand Year War have been the cause of great shocks to our economy and investment markets, including: the oil embargoes, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Iraq-Kuwait war, and the Caucasus Wars over the Caspian Sea oil basin. These shocks are likely to remain so for decades to come. Forewarned is forearmed. You must understand where this war is leading to manage your career, business and investments, as well as to reach an informed opinion regarding U.S. involvement in Mideast affairs.


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