
Electives are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Electives are, I think, the icing on our educational cake.  After the core subjects, electives are those pursuits that personalize your homeschool to your student's interests and talents.  Any study or pursuit can be an elective, but in this section we've included art, home ec (cooking, sewing, home care), auto mechanics, health, computer science, entrepreneurship, and more.  And, of course, we try to make your electives as afordable as possible for your student's future.  Enjoy!

DVD, 9781600510625

Imagine having an energetic and passionate Spanish teacher walk right into your home and sit down to teach your students. That can virtually happen when children learn with Spanish for Children author Julia Kraut on the corresponding Spanish for Children Primer B DVD and Chant CD Set.

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