Creative Writing

This is my favorite subject!  If you can give your homeschool students the gift of writing well, they will undoubtedly do well in just about any career.  Being able to take your thoughts and put them on paper in a compelling and pleasing way is a skill any homeschool student can develop.  We have creative writing programs for just about every taste and style:  research, fiction, poetry, and basic creative writing. 

An SHP Favorite!, Softcover

Mention "creative writing" to most typical boys, and they'll run screaming from the house, or play sick, or try to flush their creative writing book down the toilet. However, "Caution: Writing In This Book Might Be Fun!" was written by a boy who really hates creative writing. Stephen, my son, sympathizes with your son's writing struggles and tries to give your son ideas of zany-boy things to write about. Full of bright colors and obnoxious color schemes, writing examples to get the proverbial ball rolling, and crazy ideas (with a few cautionary comments from Mom Kemmerer - er, me), your son might actually enjoy creative writing! 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover

"Caution: Writing In This Book Might Be Fun!" (Girls version) was written by my daughter and my daughter-in-law. My daughter, Monica, loves to write and desires to pass her sense of enjoyment on to other students. My daughter-in-law, though she doesn't profess to "love" writing, is a wonderful writer. She is, however, one of the most talented, feminine, delightful young ladies you'd ever want to meet. Monica and Rachel teamed up to create a book full of wonderful, girly ideas to write about. Your daughter might actually enjoy creative writing! 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover

This is homeschooling at its best. Here is a book that gives your student real-life skills. If you've ever wondered if your child would have learning gaps that would cripple his future, well, worry no more! "Research in Increments" teaches your students how to write a research paper. Armed with this skill, your child can study anything, learn anything, and know how to present it. This one book applies to any subject matter, be it history, science, social studies, literature, or Bible. If neither you nor your child has ever written a research paper, you need not be concerned. "Research in Increments" breaks the process down into simple, logical steps that can be accomplished in as little as ten minutes a day.

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Revolution is an exciting, creative writing project for secondary students based on the events surrounding the Revolutionary War. What was it like during that period in our country's history? What was it like to make decisions of that magnitude? You will have an opportunity to experience history through the pages of this guide.

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Softcover, 204 pgs , 9781477459294

This teacher's guide provides much more than just answers; it also includes an assignment checklist; objectives for the course; evaluation forms/rubrics; advice on grading, including extensive information on how to earn an "A, B, C," etc.; how to help students self-edit; guidelines; methods; monthly 14-minute "power surge" exercises; and other helpful teaching information. Answers are provided, and arranged by lesson and practice number. They're line-listed with the questions provided, and the answers in italics.

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 410 pgs, 9781477459232

This is one of the most logical, well-written, user-friendly high school level writing courses I have yet found. It is designed to gently and thoroughly develop your student's writing skills. Two things you need to know about Sharon Watson: she herself is an amazing writer, so her course is fun and interesting rather than textbookish; and she's incredibly encouraging. In fact her objectives for the course are two-fold: to gain in competence/skill AND to impact the student's attitude toward writing through encouragement and success.


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Word Artist

Word Artist is a simple guide is a delightful introduction to writing poetry. Your fourth-tenth grade student will be led through 3 units that introduce him first to poetic devices, then to non-rhyming poetry such as Psalms and haiku, and finally to rhyming poetry such as limericks. Each assignment comes with samples (many written by other students), and ideas, as well as a writing challenge. By the time your student has worked through this easy-to-use book, he will have written an entire "book" of poetry - a real keepsake! And, Word Artist even provides step-by-step instructions on bookbinding!

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 138 pgs, 9780975499788

Write On: The Kid Friendly, Mother Pleasing, Gentle Way to Learn to Write - A writing manual that takes the drudgery out of learning to write.

Consumable, 250 pgs, 9781933339771

All four levels of Writing With Ease workbook contain a complete teacher's guide...but perhaps you want additional help. You can get additional teacher's help in this book, Writing With Ease, Strong Fundamentals. This book contains teacher helps for all 4 levels of Writing With Ease. There are guidelines for approximately what a child should know at each level, how to individualize the program to your child, and additional script for you (the teacher) to help teach writing. There is also a troubleshooting section if your student is struggling. This one book will get you through all 4 years of Writing With Ease. 


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Softcover, 580 pgs, 9781933339528

Susan Wise Bauer wrote Writing with Skill for students to begin to work through independently, and the text is written directly to the student. Organized by days, each "step" progressively moves students through the workbook as they move from one day to the next. Covering the basics of composition, outlining, sentence skills, beginning literary criticism of poetry and prose, writing narratives and descriptions, and researching and documenting sources, the course culminates with a final project. Using extensive literary models and step-by-step instructions on the lesson concepts, students will gain the tools needed to write with clarify and confidence.

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Softcover, 544 pgs, 9781933339535

This groundbreaking new writing series combines time-tested classical techniques—the imitation and analysis of great writers—with original composition exercises in history, science, biography, and literature.