TruthQuest Spine Books

TruthQuest Spine Books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

TruthQuest author Michelle Miller recommends certain core pieces of literature that span the entire scope of the era being studied.  She refers to these as "spines." I recommend that you keep 2 or 3 spine books available while you are working through each TruthQuest guide to help your student tie all his reading together. 

Softcover, 288 pgs, 9781581345360

This modern classic written by Francis Schaeffer should become a foundation for any study you do on worldviews and history. Mr. Schaeffer addresses key events in the rise and decline of western civilization and analyzes the reasons for modern society's state of affairs presenting the only viable alternative: living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God's revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible’s truth, morals, values and meaning.


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The Story of Liberty
$18.95   $11.37
Softcover, 415 pgs, 9780938558200

This is a reprint of Charles Coffin's history of the march of mankind from "slavery to freedom", first published in 1879, and climaxing with an account of the role of Providence in the founding of America as the nursery of freedom.

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This Country of Ours
$15.99   $9.57
Softcover, 316 pgs, 9789561001985

"This Country of Ours" contains stories from the history of the United States beginning with a full account of exploration and settlement and ending with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. The 99 chapters are grouped under 7 headings: Stories of Explorers and Pioneers, Stories of Virginia, Stories of New England, Stories of the Middle and Southern Colonies, Stories of the French in America, Stories of the Struggle for Liberty, and Stories of the United States under the Constitution. 

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