History and Geography

History and geography is always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

History is, to me, absolutely fascinating and exciting, and completely sobering.  The last thing you want to do is to take the amazing story of God and His work among His people, and relegate it to a dusty, dry text book.  Yuck!  History should be like a good movie - full of suspense and excitement, wonderful lessons learned, inspiring heroes, and pointing us back to God and His sovereignty.  It is, after all, His story.  Keep your homeschool history and geography alive and exciting.  The history and geography curriculum listed here appeals to a wide variety of styles and ages.  Spend some time browsing through this section to find exactly the program you are looking for to spark your homeschool students' love of history and geography.  Click here for an easy-to-use chart that compares all our history programs at a glance.  We've also included samples on each TruthQuest product page.  Be sure to check them out!

Softcover, 9780802484482

7 Men Who Rule the World from the Grave  by Dave Breese This fascinating study is one that will give you shivers. Right from the...

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A More Perfect Union
$6.95   $4.17
Softcover, 48 pgs, 9780688101923

A More Perfect Union by Giulio and Betsy Maestro - homeschool civics, american history, government A More Perfect Union makes a wonderful...

Softcover, 9780915134939

Abraham Lincoln endured much suffering in his lifetime, but he was a true sower of faith and freedom. The life of Abraham Lincoln is well recorded for history - through his own journals and the detailed research of countless historians. But sadly, the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln has seldom been reported, partly because he held no formal church membership. This book explores the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln, relying on his own words and the observations of his family, his friends, and historians.

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Across Five Aprils
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 190 pgs, 9780425102411

Across Five Aprils is the touching story of Jethro Creighton. When the Civil War breaks out, his family is split, with brothers joining both sides of the cause. When cousins also join the war, the two families join forces to keep the farm going. Jethro's father dies unexpectedly, and young Jethro is now the man of the family. 

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Adam of the Road
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 317 pgs, 9780142406595

Eleven-year-old Adam loved to travel throughout thirteenthcentury England with his father, a wandering minstrel, and his dog, Nick. But when Nick is stolen and his father disappears, Adam suddenly finds himself alone. He searches the same roads he traveled with his father, meeting various people along the way. But will Adam ever find his father and dog and end his desperate search?


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Softcover, 32 lessons, 9781892427427

This is an exciting complete year's curriculum from Bright Ideas Press for students in grades 6-12. It is also adaptable for younger students - another great multi-level product. All American History Volume 2 covers the Civil War through the 21st century.

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Hardcover, 72 pgs, 9780756613822

Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the history of the great Chinese empire and the customs and traditions of its people. Stunning real-life photographs and lifelike models offer a unique "eyewitness" view of life in imperial China, from its earliest beginnings in the Bronze Age to its final days in the early years of the 20th century. 

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Softcover, 45 pgs, 9780698113510

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz is the story of Paul's famous ride before the Battle of Lexington on the eve of the Revolutionary War. Jean Fritz historical children's books are written sort of journalistically (if that is a word), but she has this great knack for finding unusual tidbits about famous historical figures that make them pop from the page and come alive.

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Augustine Came to Kent
$13.95   $8.77
Softcover, 179, 9781883937218

It is the year 597 and Pope Gregory is sending a select number of his monks, led by Fr. Augustine, to re-evangelize England. Young Wolf, born in that land but raised in Rome, accompanies his father, Wolfstan, who goes as a guide and interpreter. Though the King of Kent's wife is a Christian, the missionaries from Rome do not know whether they will be welcomed, tolerated or martyred. In a story full of adventure, Wolf meets Fritha, a Saxon girl whose life and destiny are soon closely bound up with his own.

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Hardcover, 72 pgs, 9780756673208

Chronicles the history, beliefs, and everyday lives of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya peoples.  Includes a CD of clip art, and a colored, loose wall chart inserted in a plastic sleeve surrounding back cover. Eyewitness: Aztec, Inca & Maya is a spectacular and informative guide to the rise and fall of the pre-Columbian cultures of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas, who built vast empires and left behind a legacy of mystery and wonder. Amazing color photographs offer children a unique "eyewitness" view of these incredible civilizations.

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Softcover, 160 pgs, 9780394849287

Ben Franklin of Old Philadelphia is back in print! A Landmark Book. Full of interesting facts and a lively biography for kids involving the events surrounding the birth of our nation as seen through the eyes of Ben Franklin. This is one of the books necessary to complete the PA Keystones 2 history study.

Beorn the Proud
$14.95   $8.97
Softcover, 185 pgs, 9781883937089

Two cultures, two faiths, struggle against each other in this exciting story by Madeleine Polland. You can almost hear the clash of arms and taste the Great Hall feasts in this authentic recreation of 9th century Europe, when Viking raiders ravaged the coasts of Ireland. Amid the battles and shipwrecks and deeds of bravery and treachery, twelve-year-old Beorn learns Christian humility from his young captive, Ness, the daughter of an Irish chieftain.

Beyond the Desert Gate
$11.95   $7.17
Softcover, 167 pgs, 9781883937546

Palestine, first century A.D.-the Jews have revolted against Roman occupation. The ten Greek cities of Palestine-the Decapolis-want only to continue their peaceful trading existence, but they find themselves caught in the middle of the uprisings. Apollodorus, a merchant of Philadelphia, takes a risk and rescues a man whom a Roman patrol has left to die in the desert. When Apollodorus is killed by robbers, his three sons are left almost penniless and must each find a way for themselves. 

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Big John's Secret
$12.95   $7.77
Softcover, 207 pgs, 9781883937898

Mystery surrounds the young peasant boy known as Big John. Raised during the strife-filled days of the reign of King John of England, his life is one day changed when a knight says, in passing, “You remind me of someone—someone I once knew and loved.” It is from “Old Marm,” the herb woman, that John understands that injustice has been done his family. Though never telling him the family name lest he unwittingly betray himself, she does all she can to prepare him to one day reclaim his name and family honor. Then Old Marm dies, and John is left without a clue to his identity. 

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Softcover, 9780942617504

This guide is designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in "The Clipper Ship Strategy," an Uncle Eric book by Richard J. Maybury.  Comprehension questions are given for each chapter and may include definition, true/false, and/or short answer questions.  

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Softcover, 9780942617474

Bluestocking Guides are designed to enhance students’ understanding and retention of the subject matter presented in the corresponding Uncle Eric book. Bluestocking Guide: Political Philosophies includes both comprehension questions (relating to specific chapters within Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?) and application questions (to guide students in applying the concepts learned from Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused? to everyday life). 

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Softcover, 127 pgs, 9780698116097

This delightful biography of President Teddy Roosevelt was written by Jean Fritz. She has a knack for finding interesting trivia about individuals, and using that knowledge to make her characters come alive. Clearly depicting the zeal and enthusiasm of the man, you'll read of his many exploits, including studying birds, hunting, and roping exotic animals, writing books, fighting, and exploration. He served as governor, vice president, and president. This book would make an excellent addition to any study of recent American history or New York history.

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Softcover, 9780970561862

The Mighty Works of God: A Child's History of the United States of America...A Providential History series for the Home and School, that the boys and girls of the 21st Century might remember the mighty works of God in bringing forth this nation.

This includes only the student reader. There is a teacher's guide (see link below).

Softcover, 9780970561862

The Mighty Works of God: A Child's History of the United States of America...A Providential History series for the Home and School, that the boys and girls of the 21st Century might remember the mighty works of God in bringing forth this nation.

This includes the teacher's guide and a CD with worksheet files.

Softcover, 192 pages, 9780875526416

Dr Oma is a story set in the time of the reformation. Juliana von Stolberg (1506 – 1580) the Queen Mother of the Netherlands, is cherished by the Dutch people as a wise and gifted healer. Juliana gains an able apprentice when her granddaughter Maria comes to live with her. Will Maria learn to trust her fears to God while her father, the courageous William of Orange, fights to free Holland from Spanish rule? Will one woman’s belief save the Netherlands and change the world? 

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Softcover, 64 pgs, 9780977859757

The Draw and Write Through History books are designed to give your child drawing lessons that integrate with his history studies and penmanship. Each picture is broken down step-by-step, then presented in full color. Each picture also gives a copywork story based on the event pictured. In Draw and Write Through History:  Invention, Exploration, and War: The 20th Century, your student will draw and learn about Harry Truman, the Space Shuttle, and more. This is truly a gorgeous book, and your children will learn so much through its pages!

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Softcover, 9781933573205

Edward MacDowell and His Cabin in the Pinesa sensitive, appealing and lively biography of America's beloved composer which boys and girls (all others, too) will take to their hearts and treasure. His Quaker beginnings, his irrepressible interest in music, his youthful triumphs abroad, his visit to the master, Franz Liszt, who greeted him warmly and asked him back again to play at the festival in Zurich - his romance with his pupil, the lovely Marian Nevins, their marriage and return to America, the launching of the Peterboro, New Hampshire, colony, which bears his name - these are some of the delightful stories in the rich career of America's greatest composer, told gently, sensitively and with feeling, in a truly inspiring book.

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Softcover, 9781933573212

Intended to complement Opal Wheeler and Sybil Deucher's classic Edward McDowell and His Cabin in the Pines. Packed with timelines, maps, reading comprehension questions, character quality highlights, and extra tidbits of information about MacDowell's' life, particularly his remarkable childhood. 

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Softcover, 9780915134915

This courageous Christian penned The Star Spangled Banner.  Francis Scott Key sowed seeds of aith to his family and friends all his life. The beauty of his words and the example of his Chritian life allow us to appreciate him today.

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From Sea To Shining Sea
$19.99   $11.97
Softcover, 475 pgs, 9780800733940

"From Sea to Shining Sea" (grades 6-12) is a recommended spine book for several TQ guides: " "Age of Revolution 1," and "Age of Revolution 2." What is a "spine book"? Remember, in TruthQuest history, no single book is "required," however, there are a number of books that are referred to to create an educational/historical spine in which your student can "hang" all his new-found knowledge. If you are using TQ history, you may find it helpful to include one or two of these in your study.

Softcover, 288 pgs, 9781581345360

This modern classic written by Francis Schaeffer should become a foundation for any study you do on worldviews and history. Mr. Schaeffer addresses key events in the rise and decline of western civilization and analyzes the reasons for modern society's state of affairs presenting the only viable alternative: living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God's revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible’s truth, morals, values and meaning.


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Softcover, 194 pgs, 9781883937492

Young Simon, recently and tragically orphaned, becomes a scribe in the following of the exiled Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. The uncertainty of the tumultuous years leading to the infamous cathedral slaying is heightened by Simon's separation from his twin Edmund, who is in the service of King Henry II.


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JS American History Teacher
$19.99   $11.99
Softcover, 160 pages, 9780890516430

This convenient teacher’s guide is all a parent or teacher needs to easily grade the 10th grade student assignments for American History: Observations & Assessments from Early Settlement to Today. Assignments with answers, learning objectives, grading criteria, and short essay questions are included.


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JS British History
$24.99   $14.99
Softcover, 144 pages, 9780890516454

The course includes ancient and modern source material, which the student will read and write thoughtful essays about their developing world view.  Mr. Stobaugh is a fascinating writer, and anticipates excellence from his students.  I would suggest the student keep a vocabulary journal as he works through this course.  This course would also be fun to do in a co-op setting because of the fascinating essay and discussion topics.

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JS British History Teacher
$19.99   $11.99
Softcover, 144 pages, 9780890516454

This convenient teacher’s guide is all a parent or teacher needs to easily grade the 11th grade student assignments for British History: Observations & Assessments from Early Cultures to Today. Assignments with answers, learning objectives, grading criteria, and short essay questions are included.


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JS World History
$24.99   $14.99
Softcover, 144 pages, 9780890516485

Twelve years in the making, this thoughtful, interesting, and intensive (but easy to use) course leads your student through history without revisionist or anti-Christian perspectives.  This beautifully illustrated course also teaches world view, helping the student to develop and be grounded in his own world view. 

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JS World History Teacher
$19.99   $11.99
Softcover, 144 pages, 9780890516478

This convenient teacher’s guide is all a parent or teacher needs to easily grade the 12th grade student assignments for World History: Observations & Assessments from Creation to Today. Assignments with answers, learning objectives, grading criteria, and short essay questions are included.


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A complete PA History program designed for the third-seventh grader, Keystones is both fun and interesting. Meeting all requirements for PA History, it introduces your student to great, godly Pennsylvanians. God’s providence is evident all through the history of this great state. The fascinating, true stories will encourage and challenge your student in his/her Christian faith.

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A complete PA History program designed for the third through seventh grader, Keystones is both fun and interesting. The Teacher Key contains a daily reading plan, additional activity sheets based on these literature selections, and other teacher helps to aid you in using this program as a one - year history course. The activity pack provides the "hands-on" activities for the students, and is the meat of the program.

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Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689839245

This biography of the author of the popular "Little House" books tells her family's real life on the American frontier, and of the events that surpassed the drama of her stories. 

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Softcover, 339 pgs, 9780060581831

On The Banks of Plum Creek is the 3rd book in the classic "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is a full-color collector's edition. An award-winning story about little Laura and her family as the live in a little dugout home. My kids loved this story. You'll need this book for the third unit in "Prairie Primer," if you're using that guide. It also goes well with TruthQuest history.


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Softcover, 290 pgs, 9780060581848

By The Shores of Silver Lake is the 4th book in Laura Ingalls Wilder's award-winning series about life during the westward movement. Full of wonderful facts and exciting vignettes, my kids love this book! You'll need this book to complete the fourth unit in "Prairie Primer." You can also use it to further your studies in TruthQuest Age of Revolution II.


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LH #5 The Long Winter
$8.99   $5.39
An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 334 pgs, 9780060581855

The Long Winter is the 5th book in the classic series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This particular volume is my favorite in the series. It never ceases to amaze me how people survived as recently as when my own great grandmother was alive! An amazing story...and an award winner! If you are using "Prairie Primer," you'll need this book to complete the fifth unit. You can also use this in conjunction with TruthQuest Age of Revolution II.


In stock

Softcover, 307 pgs, 9780060581862

 Little Town on the Prairie is the 6th book in the classic series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It continues to follow the Ingalls family as they move into town for a brief time. As usual, the book is exciting, detailed about life in that era, and very entertaining. 


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Softcover, 134 pgs, 9780060581886

The First Four Years is the last book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It tells the story of the first years of marriage for Laura and Almanzo, and how they establish their own little farm. Another delightful story, full of drama and interesting details. If you are doing "Prairie Primer," you'll need this book in order to complete the ninth unit.


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Softcover, 198 pgs, 9780970561831

The Mighty Works of God: A Child's History of the United States of America...A Providential History series for the Home and School, that the boys and girls of the 21st Century might remember the mighty works of God in bringing forth this nation.


In stock

Softcover, 9780970561848

The Mighty Works of God: A Child's History of the United States of America...A Providential History series for the Home and School, that the boys and girls of the 21st Century might remember the mighty works of God in bringing forth this nation.


In stock

Softcover, 31 pgs, 9780974650548

Intended to complement Opal Wheeler and Sybil Deucher's classic Mozart the Wonder Boy. Packed with timelines, maps, reading comprehension questions, character quality highlights, and extra tidbits of information about Beethoven's life and his music. 

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Number the Stars
$6.50   $4.17
Softcover, 137 pgs, 9780440403272

This Newbery Award winning story follows the lives of 2 families - the one is Jewish, and the other is the Danish family that hides them from the Nazis that have invaded their land. The two daughters of the families are best friends. Your young reader (grades 5-7) will see the horror of World War II through the eyes of these 2 young girls as they face deprivation, danger, and death. An excellent addition to any study of World War II.


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Red Hugh Prince of Donegal
$13.95   $8.37
Softcover, 202 pgs, 9781883937225

Here's another one of those 'They could make it into a movie!' books that keeps you always wanting to read just one more chapter. Red Hugh was a true champion for Irish liberty from Queen Elizabeth's constricting reign in the late 1580's and beyond. Hugh's capture, imprisonment, and escape from the Dublin Castle; his triumph over a blizzard and frostbite; his dramatic rescue of his family's castle; his conflict with the evil Captain Leeds; and his inexhaustible love for Ireland make this a wonderful read-aloud book for the entire family. You learn an astonishing amount of Irish geography and culture while relishing this true adventure, as well.

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Revolution is an exciting, creative writing project for secondary students based on the events surrounding the Revolutionary War. What was it like during that period in our country's history? What was it like to make decisions of that magnitude? You will have an opportunity to experience history through the pages of this guide.

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Softcover, 152 pgs, 9780880620499

On a cold February day, Samuel was studying in his overcoat, rubbing his chilled fingers, when a loud knock at the front door startled him. His good friend Lowell Mason had come to remind Samuel of a promise. A New England pastor, he wrote the lyrics to "America, My Country 'Tis of Thee.

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Seaman by Gail Karwoski
$7.95   $4.77
Softcover, 183 pgs, 9781561451906

Seaman, the Newfoundland dog belonging to Meriwether Lewis, proves his value as a hunter, navigator, and protector while accompanying the Corps of Discovery, led by his master and William Clark, on its two-year journey exploring the western territories. 


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