
Biographies are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

One of the greatest things you can do for your homeschooled kids is to introduce them to wonderful examples of Christian faith. The easiest way to do this is to regularly add biographies to their diet of literature. Biographies give your children real heroes to emulate!

Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689839245

This biography of the author of the popular "Little House" books tells her family's real life on the American frontier, and of the events that surpassed the drama of her stories. 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 238 pgs, 9780060581800

Little House in the Big Woods is the 1st book in the series by Laura Ingalls Wilder that described life on the frontier in the middle of the 19th century. Laura and her family pack up all of their earthly belongings and travel across several states to settle on the prairie. Their adventures are exciting and even hair-raising. Facing loneliness, danger, deprivation, and loss, the Ingalls family make an incredible journey to build a new life on the frontier. Illustrated. This book makes an excellent addition to any study of US history and frontier life.


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Peter the Great
$14.95   $8.97
Hardcover, 32 pgs, 9780688167080

Peter the Great, crowned tsar of Russia at the age of ten, believed that whatever he wanted he should have -- and the sooner the better. What he wanted most was to bring his beloved country into the modem world. He traveled to the West to learn European ways -- the first tsar ever to leave Russia -- disguised as a common soldier.


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Softcover, 208 pgs, 9781932096101

"Children and adults alike love the popular Christian Heroes: Then & Now series. Now Christian Heroes authors Janet and Geoff Benge tell the stories of Heroes of History with the same engaging narrative style and historical depth! This new series brings the shaping of history to life with the remarkable true stories of fascinating men and women who changed the course of history. An Explorer, writer, thinker, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) greatly influenced the character and thought of the U.S. as its 26th president.

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