Truthquest History

TruthQuest curriculum at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Truthquest History Curriculum, by Michelle Miller, is one of the most valuable homeschool history curriculum/resources I’ve come across. TruthQuest covers world history in 8 volumes, but in a really unique way. Here’s what the author, Michelle Miller, says about history: “…Western civilization has put God on the sidelines of life, so that most history is taught as the story of mankind, as if people were the ‘prime force’ of the universe…How presumptuous!...History has become a dull ‘obligation.’ (No wonder it was so boring!) It should be a personal encounter with the King of the Universe…! It should be one of the most inspiring, personal, real, and intimate topics because it hooks us up with the truths that make life work!” If you are getting excited already, let me give you a warning. TruthQuest is like no other curriculum I’ve seen. It contains no tests, no worksheets, no Q&A, no activities, and no lesson plan. So sorry! I didn’t mean to throw a bucket of water on your fire. But, listen to what else the author says, then I’ll explain some more. She says, “… ‘Ok. So what about Day One. Tell me how I should plan each week.’ Well, that’s up to you. But you mustn’t panic!...You know what’s best because you’re the one who is seeking God for His plan for your family! He certainly doesn’t have a one-size-fits-all plan for His children…Assuredly, I don’t know what that plan is, so what right do I have to schedule your day? Heaven forbid! (Literally!)” Michelle goes on to give you tips and ideas on how to plan your weeks. Click here for a handy, printable chart that compares TruthQuest with other homeschool history curriculum.

So, what exactly do you get when you purchase TruthQuest? You get an amazing historically-chronological listing of literature (classic and current). The lists are broken down by topic and grade level (including grades 1-12 all in one book!...I love multi-level!)…and include brief descriptions and even an occasional caution. Each list is prefaced by teaching commentary (for you or for your self-directed kids) and is designed to prime your kids to identify God’s activity in the stories they read. American History for Young Students contains over 1,300 books you can choose from! Other guides in the series have nearly 2,500 books!...something for every age, taste, style, and ability! Again, don’t panic. Here’s how you use it. Gather your kids, snuggle up on the couch, and read aloud the commentary heading the first section in the guide (easy enough so far). Then you pick a couple of books from that section to either read together or read alone…feed on these books. If you’re bored with a topic, or have exhausted it, move on to the next section. If your kids are captivated, plant yourself in that section of history and keep reading! There’s no way you’ll ever read through 2000+ books in a year, so right from the beginning you know this is a guilt-free curriculum designed to give your child the vast scope of history as designed by our sovereign God. You can map and timeline if you want. Try lap booking. You can watch movies (a short list is included). One thing that is included are 6-12 essay assignments per guide to help your kids interact with and document their reading. It’s as simple as that. You can make the award-winning TruthQuest History your core curriculum or use it as an invaluable resource guide to add literature and perspective to your current history program.

The three younger levels of TruthQuest contain the same information and book lists as the older levels, eliminating the high-school literature selections, and with simpler commentary. The seven “older” levels actually include the same books as the younger levels (plus, of course, the high-school selections), but with more in-depth commentary. For the price, I can’t imagine a more valuable history resource for homeschool moms! Truthquest History was awarded the prestigous Cathy Duffy 100 Top Picks award. We are not allowed to discount this curriculum.

Softcover, 288 pgs, 9781581345360

This modern classic written by Francis Schaeffer should become a foundation for any study you do on worldviews and history. Mr. Schaeffer addresses key events in the rise and decline of western civilization and analyzes the reasons for modern society's state of affairs presenting the only viable alternative: living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God's revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible’s truth, morals, values and meaning.


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This Country of Ours
$15.99   $9.57
Softcover, 316 pgs, 9789561001985

"This Country of Ours" contains stories from the history of the United States beginning with a full account of exploration and settlement and ending with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. The 99 chapters are grouped under 7 headings: Stories of Explorers and Pioneers, Stories of Virginia, Stories of New England, Stories of the Middle and Southern Colonies, Stories of the French in America, Stories of the Struggle for Liberty, and Stories of the United States under the Constitution. 

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