Literature and Books

Literature and Books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Books are absolutely essential to your homeschool. Building a personal library seems almost inevitable when your life revolves around books, as it does during the homeschool season of life. You can always use your local library, but it is so nice to be able to pull that book off your own shelf, use it, mark it up, make notes in the margins, and refer back to it later. It's also comforting to know that the books on your own shelves espouse the standards and philosophy you hold to. When your kids pull out a book from your own personal library, you don't have to worry about whether or not you'll approve.

I have personally read many (not all) of the books we carry. I'll try to mention concerns we had (if any) and issues you may want to discuss with your homeschool students as they read the book. Because every family has different standards concerning what is acceptable (and those standards will most likely change as your student grows older, meaning I allow my older kids to read a "scary" book that I wouldn't allow a younger one to read, for example), please don't take my word alone about the appropriateness of a book. What I deem appropriate, you may not deem appropriate, and vice versa. Please read the books yourself and allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit as you set standards for literature in your family.

Softcover, 176 pgs, 9781556611506

This is the fascinating biography of the Scottish hero of the 1924 Olympics whose story was portrayed in Chariots of Fire and who went on to become a missionary in China.

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Eric Liddell: Pure Gold
$14.99   $8.99
Softcover, 336 pgs, 9781572931305

Most people will remember Eric Liddell as the inspiration for the award-winning movie Chariots of Fire. But his life away from athletic competition was even more compelling and held an influence that reached all the way to a Japanese internment camp in China.

FF3 Guns of Providence
$11.99   $7.19
Softcover, 243 pgs, 9781596381568

The American Revolution ignites a fire that rallies patriots to fight! Sandy M'Kethe, along with freeman Salem Poor, find themselves enlisted together in George Washington's army. An expert marksman with the longbow, Sandy's skill attracts the attention of the intrepid sea captain John Paul Jones. Sandy and Salem are bound for high-seas adventures. Together, can they navigate the guns of Providence?

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$8.95   $5.37
Softcover, 256 pgs, 9780982348406

Foundlings, book one of The Peleg Chronicles is Historical Fiction that takes place in the time period of Peleg, soon after the tower of Babel dispersion. In a land of giants and dragons, and men running from the knowledge of their Creator, wickedness spreads as a plague, but a remnant of faithful souls shine in the darkness.

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Softcover, 9780915134915

This courageous Christian penned The Star Spangled Banner.  Francis Scott Key sowed seeds of aith to his family and friends all his life. The beauty of his words and the example of his Chritian life allow us to appreciate him today.

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From Sea To Shining Sea
$19.99   $11.97
Softcover, 475 pgs, 9780800733940

"From Sea to Shining Sea" (grades 6-12) is a recommended spine book for several TQ guides: " "Age of Revolution 1," and "Age of Revolution 2." What is a "spine book"? Remember, in TruthQuest history, no single book is "required," however, there are a number of books that are referred to to create an educational/historical spine in which your student can "hang" all his new-found knowledge. If you are using TQ history, you may find it helpful to include one or two of these in your study.

Softcover, 152 pgs, 9780982887516

Is the nightmare finally over, or is Maggie’s life in danger still? A hasty decision could prove to be fatal.  Tensions are high as the jury delivers the verdict. Will it finally bring relief to the Daniels family, or will Mr. Thomas Gatlin find a way to carry out his revenge?

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George Washington
$6.95   $4.19
Softcover, 48 pgs, 9780792254904

Cheryl Harness uses her wonderfully vibrant art and down-to-earth writing style to "chip away the marble" and present George Washington as more than a monument. We see George the adventurous boy, tromping through the woods with his dog and his hunting rifle; George the courageous military leader fighting alongside his men; George the cunning military strategist, outfoxing the British and forcing their surrender at Yorktown; George the brilliant statesman presiding over the Constitutional Convention; and George the President, wisely protecting our country from enemies foreign and domestic so it could grow strong. 

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Give Them Grace
$11.95   $7.19
Softcover, 213 pgs, 9781433520099

Give Them Grace is a guide to help Christians parent their children with grace and an emphasis on the cross. How are parents to raise children so they don't become Pharisees (legalists) or prodigals (rebels)? It's all about grace-filled, gospel-driven parenting, says the mother/daughter team of Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. Christian parents, in their desire to raise godly children, can tend toward rule-centered discipline. There is, however, a far more effective method- a grace-motivated approach that begins with the glorious truth of God's love for sinners.

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Softcover, 9781600921605

In World of Animals You will explore every facet of the animal kingdom. From cuddly mammals and slimy frogs, to jellyfish and bacteria, you and your child will discover how God created each animal to be unique. The activities make learning about animals even more fun.  


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Softcover, 298 pgs, 9781600510748

In God's Great Covenant, New Testament 1: A Bible Course for Children, students will follow the story of Jesus, the Messiah and King, as He is born and fulfills all God's promises.

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Softcover, 9781600510724

This is the teacher's book (from Classical Academic Press) for God's Great Covenant, OT 1.  You might be asking, “Do you need the teacher materials?” Well, the teacher materials contain the answer key, but you really don’t need it.

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