Literature and Books

Literature and Books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Books are absolutely essential to your homeschool. Building a personal library seems almost inevitable when your life revolves around books, as it does during the homeschool season of life. You can always use your local library, but it is so nice to be able to pull that book off your own shelf, use it, mark it up, make notes in the margins, and refer back to it later. It's also comforting to know that the books on your own shelves espouse the standards and philosophy you hold to. When your kids pull out a book from your own personal library, you don't have to worry about whether or not you'll approve.

I have personally read many (not all) of the books we carry. I'll try to mention concerns we had (if any) and issues you may want to discuss with your homeschool students as they read the book. Because every family has different standards concerning what is acceptable (and those standards will most likely change as your student grows older, meaning I allow my older kids to read a "scary" book that I wouldn't allow a younger one to read, for example), please don't take my word alone about the appropriateness of a book. What I deem appropriate, you may not deem appropriate, and vice versa. Please read the books yourself and allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit as you set standards for literature in your family.

Softcover, 9780942617504

This guide is designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in "The Clipper Ship Strategy," an Uncle Eric book by Richard J. Maybury.  Comprehension questions are given for each chapter and may include definition, true/false, and/or short answer questions.  

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Softcover, 9780942617474

Bluestocking Guides are designed to enhance students’ understanding and retention of the subject matter presented in the corresponding Uncle Eric book. Bluestocking Guide: Political Philosophies includes both comprehension questions (relating to specific chapters within Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?) and application questions (to guide students in applying the concepts learned from Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused? to everyday life). 

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Bound for Oregon
$3.95   $2.50
Softcover, 164, 9780140383195

Bound for Oregon is based on the true story of the Todd family (written by the daughter) as they left Arkansas for the Oregon territory.  Experience the hardships of trail life: raging rivers, sickness, death, trying to beat the first snow, hunger, fear, and even birth.  This exciting story is told through the eyes of a ten year old girl.  Such a great story - and more than that, because it's true.  Your homeschooled child can "experience" the sacrifice of our country's pioneers through the pages of this book.

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Softcover, 360 pgs, 9781930367975

This novel by Sir H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1904, is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested as they are thrust into epic Crusader battles.

Softcover, 127 pgs, 9780698116097

This delightful biography of President Teddy Roosevelt was written by Jean Fritz. She has a knack for finding interesting trivia about individuals, and using that knowledge to make her characters come alive. Clearly depicting the zeal and enthusiasm of the man, you'll read of his many exploits, including studying birds, hunting, and roping exotic animals, writing books, fighting, and exploration. He served as governor, vice president, and president. This book would make an excellent addition to any study of recent American history or New York history.

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Softcover, 48 pgs, 9780698114029

This entertaining volume sheds light on the life of England's King George III. It begins when he was a bashful boy who blushed easily, goes on to his early days as king, and finally examines his role in the American Revolution - when Americans ceased to think of him as good King George. Fascinating history made accessible for young readers.

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Softcover, 151 pgs, 9780825442964

Jem and his cousin Nathan find Copper's tracks end at a dark canyon up in the hills. Jem remembers an old Indian legend Strike-it-rich Sam is fond of retelling about people disappearing and no one ever seeing them again. What is the real story of the canyon of danger? Have thieves found the perfect hideout?

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Softcover, 156 pgs, 9780984935918

In this second Jack and Jenny Mystery, the Carltons head to Hong Kong on another family business trip. The four children soon find themselves captives on the Twin Dragon at the mercy of dangerous criminals who pulled off the ingenious armored-car robbery.

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Cat of Bubastes
$7.95   $4.77
Softcover, 320 pgs, 9780486423630

Chebron, the young son of an Egyptian high priest, and Amuba, a young slave in the boy's household, are close friends; but their lives are greatly altered when Chebron accidentally kills a cat, an animal held sacred by the ancient Egyptians. Forced to flee for their safety, the boys and their companions begin a long and dangerous journey.

An SHP Favorite!, Softcover

Mention "creative writing" to most typical boys, and they'll run screaming from the house, or play sick, or try to flush their creative writing book down the toilet. However, "Caution: Writing In This Book Might Be Fun!" was written by a boy who really hates creative writing. Stephen, my son, sympathizes with your son's writing struggles and tries to give your son ideas of zany-boy things to write about. Full of bright colors and obnoxious color schemes, writing examples to get the proverbial ball rolling, and crazy ideas (with a few cautionary comments from Mom Kemmerer - er, me), your son might actually enjoy creative writing! 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover

"Caution: Writing In This Book Might Be Fun!" (Girls version) was written by my daughter and my daughter-in-law. My daughter, Monica, loves to write and desires to pass her sense of enjoyment on to other students. My daughter-in-law, though she doesn't profess to "love" writing, is a wonderful writer. She is, however, one of the most talented, feminine, delightful young ladies you'd ever want to meet. Monica and Rachel teamed up to create a book full of wonderful, girly ideas to write about. Your daughter might actually enjoy creative writing! 

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CC2 King's Arrow
$9.95   $5.97
Softcover, 215 pgs, 9780875527437

Angus, Duncan's younger brother, comes of age, physically and spiritually, as Scottish Covenanters face Highlanders at Drumclog. Covenanters wrestle with Christ's command to love their enemies.

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