Literature and Books

Literature and Books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Books are absolutely essential to your homeschool. Building a personal library seems almost inevitable when your life revolves around books, as it does during the homeschool season of life. You can always use your local library, but it is so nice to be able to pull that book off your own shelf, use it, mark it up, make notes in the margins, and refer back to it later. It's also comforting to know that the books on your own shelves espouse the standards and philosophy you hold to. When your kids pull out a book from your own personal library, you don't have to worry about whether or not you'll approve.

I have personally read many (not all) of the books we carry. I'll try to mention concerns we had (if any) and issues you may want to discuss with your homeschool students as they read the book. Because every family has different standards concerning what is acceptable (and those standards will most likely change as your student grows older, meaning I allow my older kids to read a "scary" book that I wouldn't allow a younger one to read, for example), please don't take my word alone about the appropriateness of a book. What I deem appropriate, you may not deem appropriate, and vice versa. Please read the books yourself and allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit as you set standards for literature in your family.

Softcover, 208 pgs, 9781932096101

"Children and adults alike love the popular Christian Heroes: Then & Now series. Now Christian Heroes authors Janet and Geoff Benge tell the stories of Heroes of History with the same engaging narrative style and historical depth! This new series brings the shaping of history to life with the remarkable true stories of fascinating men and women who changed the course of history. An Explorer, writer, thinker, and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Theodore Roosevelt (1858-1919) greatly influenced the character and thought of the U.S. as its 26th president.

In stock

This Country of Ours
$15.99   $9.57
Softcover, 316 pgs, 9789561001985

"This Country of Ours" contains stories from the history of the United States beginning with a full account of exploration and settlement and ending with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. The 99 chapters are grouped under 7 headings: Stories of Explorers and Pioneers, Stories of Virginia, Stories of New England, Stories of the Middle and Southern Colonies, Stories of the French in America, Stories of the Struggle for Liberty, and Stories of the United States under the Constitution. 

In stock

Under Drake's Flag
$5.95   $3.57
Softcover, 298 pgs, 9780486442150

From the "Prince of Storytellers," an exciting account of life on the high seas as seen through the eyes of young Ned Hearne. The brave 16th-century teen sails with Francis Drake, experiences a harsh seafaring life, visits unexplored lands; and witnesses the great naval battle between the English fleet and the Spanish Armada.


Softcover, 182 pgs, 9781883937966

Thirteen-year-old Bani, though born in Jerusalem, has lived from infancy with his uncle in beautiful Susa, the city of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Now, his Uncle Nehemiah wants to leave his position of high honor as Cupbearer to the King to return to Jerusalem, a city in ruins and beset by every kind of trouble! Nehemiah's request of the king, permission to return to help his own people, could so easily—in an empire riddled with political intrigue—be misconstrued as treasonous scheming. Bani himself is given an unexpected part to play, the outcome of which is to forever change his life. Seen through the eyes of Bani, this novel dramatizes a turning-point of history, in 445 BC, when—through confrontation and daring risks—Judaism was re-established in the Promised Land, and purified for her unfolding mission.