Illuminations Year 3, High School

If you are using Illuminations from Bright Ideas Press, this section provides you with all the recommended literature (Family and Read Alone) you will be using in Year Three, High School.  Enjoy!

At the Sign of the Star
$15.99   $9.59
Softcover, 140 pgs, 9780374404581

In 17th century London, 12-year-old Meg is the motherless daughter of a bookseller with a thriving business in Restoration-era London. Meg has little interest in cooking, needlework, or other homemaking skills, and dreams of becoming a bookseller and someday inheriting her father's book store. Meg Moore is the motherless and only child of a bookseller with a thriving business in Restoration London-and that makes her an heiress. She knows that someday she will have her pick of suitors, and that with the right husband she can continue in the book trade and be friends with wits and authors, as her father is. But Mr. Moore's unexpected marriage throws all Meg's dreams into confusion. 

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Of Plymouth Plantation
$7.95   $4.77
Softcover, 235 pgs, 9780486452609

The most important source of information about Plymouth, this landmark account was written by the colony's governor. It vividly documents the Pilgrims' transatlantic crossing and early days in the settlement. I read this book a number of years ago. Admittedly it wasn't an easy read, as it was written nearly 400 years ago, and the archaic language has been preserved. However, if you can push through, you'll find it a wonderfully inspiring firsthand account of a man (Governor Bradford) who was witness to some amazing miracles from the hand of God on behalf of His people. 

Robinson Crusoe
$2.95   $2.00
Softcover, 288 pgs, 9780486404271

This classic story of a shipwrecked mariner on a deserted island is perhaps the greatest adventure in all of English literature. Fleeing from pirates, Robinson Crusoe is swept ashore in a storm possessing only a knife, a box of tobacco, a pipe-and the will to survive. His is the saga of a man alone: a man who overcomes self-pity and despair to reconstruct his life; who painstakingly teaches himself how to fashion a pot, bake bread, build a canoe; and who, after twenty-four agonizing years of solitude, discovers a human footprint in the sand... 

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Secret of the Andes
$4.95   $2.97
Softcover, 120 pgs, 9780140309263

An Indian boy who tends llamas in a hidden valley in Peru learns the traditions and secrets of his Inca ancestors.


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The Trumpeter of Krakow
$4.95   $2.97
Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689715716

A Polish family in the Middle Ages guards a great secret treasure and a boy's memory of an earlier trumpeter of Krakow makes it possible for him to save his father.


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