Ancient Civilizations, Egypt, Rome, Greece

Ancient History literature is always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

The history of ancient civilizations is, to me, absolutely fascinating and exciting. The story of the beginnings of all things, God's hand throughout the ages, the mystery and drama of ancient peoples doing astounding things - it should bring goosebumps to your homeschoolers!  History should be like a good movie - full of suspense and excitement, wonderful lessons learned, inspiring heroes, and pointing us back to God and His sovereignty.  It is, after all, His story.  Keep your homeschool history alive and exciting with living books about the fascinating ages of ancient civilizations, ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, and ancient Rome.  Spark your homeschool students' love of ancient history. 

Augustine Came to Kent
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Augustine Came to Kent
$13.95 $8.77
Beyond the Desert Gate
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Beyond the Desert Gate
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Black Ships Before Troy
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Black Ships Before Troy
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The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty
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Cat of Bubastes
$7.95 $4.77
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Pompeii...Buried Alive!
$3.99 $2.50
Eagle of the Ninth
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The Eagle of the Ninth
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The Golden Goblet
$6.99 $4.17
Ides of April
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The Ides of April
$13.95 $8.37
Victory on the Walls by Frieda Hyman
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Victory on the Walls: A Story of Nehemiah
$9.95 $5.97