Literature and Books

Literature and Books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

Books are absolutely essential to your homeschool. Building a personal library seems almost inevitable when your life revolves around books, as it does during the homeschool season of life. You can always use your local library, but it is so nice to be able to pull that book off your own shelf, use it, mark it up, make notes in the margins, and refer back to it later. It's also comforting to know that the books on your own shelves espouse the standards and philosophy you hold to. When your kids pull out a book from your own personal library, you don't have to worry about whether or not you'll approve.

I have personally read many (not all) of the books we carry. I'll try to mention concerns we had (if any) and issues you may want to discuss with your homeschool students as they read the book. Because every family has different standards concerning what is acceptable (and those standards will most likely change as your student grows older, meaning I allow my older kids to read a "scary" book that I wouldn't allow a younger one to read, for example), please don't take my word alone about the appropriateness of a book. What I deem appropriate, you may not deem appropriate, and vice versa. Please read the books yourself and allow yourself to be led by the Holy Spirit as you set standards for literature in your family.

Softcover, 9780942617504

This guide is designed to reinforce and enhance a student's understanding of the subject matter presented in "The Clipper Ship Strategy," an Uncle Eric book by Richard J. Maybury.  Comprehension questions are given for each chapter and may include definition, true/false, and/or short answer questions.  

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Softcover, 9780942617474

Bluestocking Guides are designed to enhance students’ understanding and retention of the subject matter presented in the corresponding Uncle Eric book. Bluestocking Guide: Political Philosophies includes both comprehension questions (relating to specific chapters within Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused?) and application questions (to guide students in applying the concepts learned from Are You Liberal? Conservative? Or Confused? to everyday life). 

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Softcover, 360 pgs, 9781930367975

This novel by Sir H. Rider Haggard, first published in 1904, is a classic tale of love and chivalry, unfolding amidst the touching story of two English knights who are in love with the same maiden. The devotion of these men is tested as they are thrust into epic Crusader battles.

Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689839245

This biography of the author of the popular "Little House" books tells her family's real life on the American frontier, and of the events that surpassed the drama of her stories. 

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Softcover, 32 pgs, 9780689825842

When De Witt Clinton, a young politician, first dreams of building a canal to connect the Hudson River with the Great Lakes, folks don't believe such a thing can be done. But eight long years after the first shovelful of earth is dug, Clinton realizes his vision at last. The longest uninterrupted canal in history has been built, and it is now possible to travel by water from the American prairie all the way to Europe!


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The Chosen
$6.95   $4.17
Softcover, 304, 9780449213445

In 1940s Brooklyn, two boys who have grown up within a few blocks of each other, but in entirely different worlds, meet for the first time in a bizarre encounter -- a baseball game between two Jewish parochial schools that turns into a holy war. With dramatic force and simplicity that seizes the heart, "The Chosen" depicts the powerful bonds of love and pain that join father and son, the communions and quarrels of friendship, the true religionist's love of God, and the tumults by which the heart is made human.


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The Trumpeter of Krakow
$4.95   $2.97
Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689715716

A Polish family in the Middle Ages guards a great secret treasure and a boy's memory of an earlier trumpeter of Krakow makes it possible for him to save his father.


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Train to Somewhere
$6.95   $4.17
Softcover, 32 pgs, 9780618040315

Marianne, heading west with fourteen other children on an Orphan Train, is sure her mother will show up at one of the stations along the way. When her mother left Marianne at the orphanage, hadn't she promised she'd come for her after making a new life in the West? Stop after stop goes by, and there's no sign of her mother in the crowds that come to look over the children. No one shows any interest in adopting shy, plain Marianne, either. But that's all right: She has to be free for her mother to claim her. Then the train pulls into its final stop, a town called Somewhere . . .


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Softcover, 127 pgs, 9780942617443

A collection of thirteen articles by noted economists selected to enhance students' understanding and appreciation of the subject of free market economics. Thought and comprehension questions/answers (original to the book) are also provided for each article. Articles were selected to accompany Richard J. Maybury's book Whatever Happened to Penny Candy? and its corresponding Bluestocking Guide: Economics.


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Softcover, 269 pgs, 9780942617375

Conventional wisdom says that when the government expands the money supply, the money descends on the economy in a uniform blanket. This is incorrect. The money is injected into specific locations causing hot spots or "cones.


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Softcover, 268 pgs, 9780942617320

The events of the Thousand Year War have been the cause of great shocks to our economy and investment markets, including: the oil embargoes, the Iranian hostage crisis, the Iraq-Kuwait war, and the Caucasus Wars over the Caspian Sea oil basin. These shocks are likely to remain so for decades to come. Forewarned is forearmed. You must understand where this war is leading to manage your career, business and investments, as well as to reach an informed opinion regarding U.S. involvement in Mideast affairs.


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