Parenting, Marriage, Personal Growth

Parenting, Marriage, and Personal Growth books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

These are the books that will equip you to lead a productive, God-honoring homeschool, and will change you, your family, and your life.  Each of the books in this section has been life-changing in both practical and spiritual ways.  Since our families are constantly changing and growing, so is our parenting and our marriages.  As long as you have kids at home, you should be in the frame of mind to learn and grow in your parenting and in your marriage. If you need help, equipping, training, fresh vision, or encouragement, then take time to browse through this section of books.  Enjoy!

Give Them Grace
$11.95   $7.19
Softcover, 213 pgs, 9781433520099

Give Them Grace is a guide to help Christians parent their children with grace and an emphasis on the cross. How are parents to raise children so they don't become Pharisees (legalists) or prodigals (rebels)? It's all about grace-filled, gospel-driven parenting, says the mother/daughter team of Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson. Christian parents, in their desire to raise godly children, can tend toward rule-centered discipline. There is, however, a far more effective method- a grace-motivated approach that begins with the glorious truth of God's love for sinners.

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 9780975854365

"Come to the Garden" is the journal/Bible study designed specifically to accompany the book, "Homeschool Supermom...NOT!" Written by my mom, a godly older woman, this journal is designed to help you dig deeper into the Bible alongside the lessons you are learning in Supermom. Each chapter in the journal corresponds with a chapter in Supermom. Author Alta Andraeas has added stories and lessons of her own to the many questions taken from the side bars of Supermom and from the "Homework for the Soul" assignments at the end of each chapter, further enriching your studies. 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 279 pgs, 9780975854396

It’s finally here! This book, 20 years in the making, is full of photos, ideas, tips, Scripture, humor, and practical application. In it, you will find help for your home and school and hope for your soul. You might think I’m not just a homeschool mom like you. I’m the epitomy of the Homeschool Supermom - or so it may seem. I’ve homeschooled my nine amazing kids for 20 years. But it’s time for me to climb down from the pedestal, and in total transparency, explode the Supermom myth. 

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An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 79 pgs

Don't be misled by the title. This book is written for you, homeschool mom. When you were a young girl, didn't you dream of growing up to become a mommy some day? Didn't you play with dollies and practice your parenting skills? What about now? Do you ever dream of the next season of life? Of being a grammy? Do you ever wonder how you can practice to equip yourself to be an effective grandparent that will pass on a legacy of the gospel for your grandchildren? The problem is that American philosophy of the retirement years has completely robbed this most-important season of life from any meaning or value. 

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Rescuing Ambition
$11.95   $7.17
Softcover, 224 pgs, 9781433514913

Dave Harvey is calling for a rescue. He wants to snatch ambition from the heap of failed motivations and put it to work for the glory of God. To understand our ambition, we must understand that we are on a quest for glory. And where we find glory determines the success of our quest.

Has your God-given ambition been starved and sedated for too long? Are you ambitious? It’s time to reach further and dream bigger for the glory of God.

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