My Father's World Recommended Reading

My Father's World required reading books are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing!

The literature-rich My Father's World curriculum requires a large number of wonderful classics.  Begin building your homeschool library in this section of our website and enjoy the deep discounts we offer.

Bound for Oregon
$3.95   $2.50
Softcover, 164, 9780140383195

Bound for Oregon is based on the true story of the Todd family (written by the daughter) as they left Arkansas for the Oregon territory.  Experience the hardships of trail life: raging rivers, sickness, death, trying to beat the first snow, hunger, fear, and even birth.  This exciting story is told through the eyes of a ten year old girl.  Such a great story - and more than that, because it's true.  Your homeschooled child can "experience" the sacrifice of our country's pioneers through the pages of this book.

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Softcover, 9781600921605

In World of Animals You will explore every facet of the animal kingdom. From cuddly mammals and slimy frogs, to jellyfish and bacteria, you and your child will discover how God created each animal to be unique. The activities make learning about animals even more fun.  


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Softcover, 339 pgs, 9780060581831

On The Banks of Plum Creek is the 3rd book in the classic "Little House" series by Laura Ingalls Wilder. This is a full-color collector's edition. An award-winning story about little Laura and her family as the live in a little dugout home. My kids loved this story. You'll need this book for the third unit in "Prairie Primer," if you're using that guide. It also goes well with TruthQuest history.


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Mere Christianity
$9.95   $5.97
Softcover, 256 pgs, 9780060652920

"Mere Christianity" is the most popular of C. S. This book brings together Lewis's legendary radio broadcast talks in which he set out simply "to explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times". Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity's many denominations, "Mere Christianity" is Lewis's term for the essential Christian message--the theological core on which diverse Christian traditions can stand together.


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