Literature By Time Period

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I believe history should be studied chronologically so students catch the flow of God's sovereignty and interactions with humans.  If you want to study history chronologically and are looking for a specific time period to study, this section will help you.  We've broken our homeschool literature into specific historical time periods (when possible).  This will make it easy for you to shop curriculum, then to add supplemental literature to support your history curriculum.  Schoolhouse Publishing is known for making your homeschool shopping easy and convenient!

From Sea To Shining Sea
$19.99   $11.97
Softcover, 475 pgs, 9780800733940

"From Sea to Shining Sea" (grades 6-12) is a recommended spine book for several TQ guides: " "Age of Revolution 1," and "Age of Revolution 2." What is a "spine book"? Remember, in TruthQuest history, no single book is "required," however, there are a number of books that are referred to to create an educational/historical spine in which your student can "hang" all his new-found knowledge. If you are using TQ history, you may find it helpful to include one or two of these in your study.

The Story of Liberty
$18.95   $11.37
Softcover, 415 pgs, 9780938558200

This is a reprint of Charles Coffin's history of the march of mankind from "slavery to freedom", first published in 1879, and climaxing with an account of the role of Providence in the founding of America as the nursery of freedom.

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Softcover, 320 pgs, 9780743262170

Cry, The Beloved Country by Alan Paton

(Recommended reading for Notgrass's Exploring World History, 2014 Edition.)

"Cry, the Beloved Country" is a beautifully told and profoundly compassionate story of the Zulu pastor Stephen Kumalo and his son Absalom, set in the troubled and changing South Africa of the 1940s.

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At the Sign of the Star
$15.99   $9.59
Softcover, 140 pgs, 9780374404581

In 17th century London, 12-year-old Meg is the motherless daughter of a bookseller with a thriving business in Restoration-era London. Meg has little interest in cooking, needlework, or other homemaking skills, and dreams of becoming a bookseller and someday inheriting her father's book store. Meg Moore is the motherless and only child of a bookseller with a thriving business in Restoration London-and that makes her an heiress. She knows that someday she will have her pick of suitors, and that with the right husband she can continue in the book trade and be friends with wits and authors, as her father is. But Mr. Moore's unexpected marriage throws all Meg's dreams into confusion. 

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The Red Keep
$15.95   $9.57
Softcover, 370 pgs, 9781883937294

In the country of Burgundy, the Sauval brothers have begun to terrorize the surrounding lands in an attempt to bring the area under their control. They raid the Red Keep, in hope of gaining it for themselves, only to be thwarted by Sir Roger and young Conan. Now they plot anew to steal the Keep from its rightful owner, Lady Anne. She, with Conan and her loyal followers, sets out to bring justice upon the evil brothers. An action-filled tale with the authentic flavor of the twelfth century, by the author of The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow and The Lost Baron.

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This Country of Ours
$15.99   $9.57
Softcover, 316 pgs, 9789561001985

"This Country of Ours" contains stories from the history of the United States beginning with a full account of exploration and settlement and ending with the presidency of Woodrow Wilson. The 99 chapters are grouped under 7 headings: Stories of Explorers and Pioneers, Stories of Virginia, Stories of New England, Stories of the Middle and Southern Colonies, Stories of the French in America, Stories of the Struggle for Liberty, and Stories of the United States under the Constitution. 

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Co. Aytch
$15.00   $9.00
Softcover, 256 pgs, 9780743255417

Early in May 1861, twenty-one-year-old Sam R. Watkins of Columbia, Tennessee, joined the First Tennessee Regiment, Company H, to fight for the Confederacy. Of the 120 original recruits in his company, Watkins was one of only seven to survive every one of its battles, from Shiloh to Nashville. Twenty years later, with a "house full of young 'rebels' clustering around my knees and bumping about my elbows," he wrote this remarkable account of "Co. Aytch".

Eric Liddell: Pure Gold
$14.99   $8.99
Softcover, 336 pgs, 9781572931305

Most people will remember Eric Liddell as the inspiration for the award-winning movie Chariots of Fire. But his life away from athletic competition was even more compelling and held an influence that reached all the way to a Japanese internment camp in China.

Beorn the Proud
$14.95   $8.97
Softcover, 185 pgs, 9781883937089

Two cultures, two faiths, struggle against each other in this exciting story by Madeleine Polland. You can almost hear the clash of arms and taste the Great Hall feasts in this authentic recreation of 9th century Europe, when Viking raiders ravaged the coasts of Ireland. Amid the battles and shipwrecks and deeds of bravery and treachery, twelve-year-old Beorn learns Christian humility from his young captive, Ness, the daughter of an Irish chieftain.

Softcover, 323 pgs, 9781883937485

Amidst great mystery, Hugh is left in the care of Glastonbury Abbey by his father who must flee England too swiftly to be burdened by a crippled son. Ashamed of his physical weakness, yet possessed of a stout heart, Hugh finds that life at the abbey is surprisingly full in this year 1171, in the turbulent days of King Henry II. Hugh, his friend Dickon and their strange friend, the mad Bleheris, uncover a treasure trove and with it a deeper mystery of the sort that could only occur in Glastonbury where Joseph of Arimithea was said to have lived out his last years. Before all is done, more is resolved than Hugh could ever have hoped. A Newbery Honor winner.

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The Betrayal
$14.99   $8.97
Softcover, 383 pgs, 9781596381254

Enter the brilliance and decadence of renaissance France in this fast-paced biographical novel on John Calvin. Told from the perspective of a rival whose envy escalates to violent intrigue and shameless betrayal, The Betrayal is a tale of how God uses the humility and unflinching faithfulness of Calvin to break down the barrenness and bitterness of a chief of sinners—all accomplished by grace alone.


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Softcover, 194 pgs, 9781883937492

Young Simon, recently and tragically orphaned, becomes a scribe in the following of the exiled Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Becket. The uncertainty of the tumultuous years leading to the infamous cathedral slaying is heightened by Simon's separation from his twin Edmund, who is in the service of King Henry II.


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