Literature By Time Period

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I believe history should be studied chronologically so students catch the flow of God's sovereignty and interactions with humans.  If you want to study history chronologically and are looking for a specific time period to study, this section will help you.  We've broken our homeschool literature into specific historical time periods (when possible).  This will make it easy for you to shop curriculum, then to add supplemental literature to support your history curriculum.  Schoolhouse Publishing is known for making your homeschool shopping easy and convenient!

A Lantern in Her Hand
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 256 pgs, 9780140384284

A Lantern in Her Hand by Bess Streeter Aldrich Homeschool subjects covered: American History, Oregon Trail, Westward Movement... After...

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Softcover, 192 pgs, 9780679728221

A Man for All Seasons by Robert Bolt (Homeschool subjects covered: history renaissance and reformation, martyrs) Robert Bolt's classic play...

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A Tale of Two Cities
$8.00   $4.80
Softcover, 304 pgs, 9780486406510

Against the backdrop of the French Revolution, Dickens unfolds a masterpiece of drama, adventure, and courage featuring Charles Darnay, a man falsely accused of treason. He bears an uncanny resemblance to the dissolute, yet noble Sydney Carton — a coincidence that saves Darnay from certain doom more than once. Brilliantly plotted, the novel culminates in a daring prison escape in the shadow of the guillotine.

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Softcover, 9780915134939

Abraham Lincoln endured much suffering in his lifetime, but he was a true sower of faith and freedom. The life of Abraham Lincoln is well recorded for history - through his own journals and the detailed research of countless historians. But sadly, the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln has seldom been reported, partly because he held no formal church membership. This book explores the spiritual side of Abraham Lincoln, relying on his own words and the observations of his family, his friends, and historians.

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Across Five Aprils
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 190 pgs, 9780425102411

Across Five Aprils is the touching story of Jethro Creighton. When the Civil War breaks out, his family is split, with brothers joining both sides of the cause. When cousins also join the war, the two families join forces to keep the farm going. Jethro's father dies unexpectedly, and young Jethro is now the man of the family. 

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Adam of the Road
$6.99   $4.19
Softcover, 317 pgs, 9780142406595

Eleven-year-old Adam loved to travel throughout thirteenthcentury England with his father, a wandering minstrel, and his dog, Nick. But when Nick is stolen and his father disappears, Adam suddenly finds himself alone. He searches the same roads he traveled with his father, meeting various people along the way. But will Adam ever find his father and dog and end his desperate search?


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$8.50   $5.10
Softcover, 151 pgs, 9780802852168

"The soldier heaved me over his shoulder as if I were a spring lamb.
"I am not Israelite!" I screamed.

Sold into slavery, Adara becomes a servant to General Namaan and his family and begins a remarkable journey of self-discovery, healing, and redemption a journey that, in the end, faces herwith the hardest decision of her life . . .

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Softcover, 368 pgs, 9780142437179

Intended at first as a simple story of a boy's adventures in the Mississippi Valley--a sequel to Tom Sawyer--the book grew and matured under Twain's hand into a work of immeasurable richness and complexity. More than a century after its publication, the critical debate over the symbolic significance of Huck's and Jim's voyage is still fresh, and it remains a major work that can be enjoyed at many levels: as an incomparable adventure story and as a classic of American humor.

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Softcover, 95 pgs, 9781893103016

"One of the most important figures to come out of the awakening world of the Renaissance was Galileo Galelei. Often referred to as the "Archimedes of his time" Galileo was forever asking questions. Is it possible to measure heat? Is it possible to weigh air? Does the earth stand still or does it move? How fast do objects fall to the earth? His questions led to some of the most important answers of the scientific world

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CD, 9781586092061

Amos Fortune, Free Man  Progeny Press Study Guide CD by Carole Pelttari for the novel by Elizabeth Yates This Progeny Press Study Guide...

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Hardcover, 72 pgs, 9780756613822

Here is a spectacular and informative guide to the history of the great Chinese empire and the customs and traditions of its people. Stunning real-life photographs and lifelike models offer a unique "eyewitness" view of life in imperial China, from its earliest beginnings in the Bronze Age to its final days in the early years of the 20th century. 

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Softcover, 45 pgs, 9780698113510

And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? by Jean Fritz is the story of Paul's famous ride before the Battle of Lexington on the eve of the Revolutionary War. Jean Fritz historical children's books are written sort of journalistically (if that is a word), but she has this great knack for finding unusual tidbits about famous historical figures that make them pop from the page and come alive.

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