Illuminations Year 3, High School

If you are using Illuminations from Bright Ideas Press, this section provides you with all the recommended literature (Family and Read Alone) you will be using in Year Three, High School.  Enjoy!

Secret of the Andes
$4.95   $2.97
Softcover, 120 pgs, 9780140309263

An Indian boy who tends llamas in a hidden valley in Peru learns the traditions and secrets of his Inca ancestors.


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The 5000 Year Leap
$15.95   $9.57
Softcover, 337 pages, 9780880801485

The 5000 Year Leap by W. Cleon Skousen, details how the Founding Fathers used 28 principles to create a 5000 year leap in freedom, prosperity, and progress; all based upon morality, faith, and ethics.  President Madison called this "a miracle," and the book explores in details these "secrets."


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The Perilous Gard
$5.95   $3.57
Softcover, 280 pgs, 9780618150731

In 1558, while exiled by Queen Mary Tudor to a remote castle known as Perilous Gard, young Kate Sutton becomes involved in a series of mysterious events that lead her to an underground world peopled by Fairy Folk--whose customs are even older than the Druids' and include human sacrifice.


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The Trumpeter of Krakow
$4.95   $2.97
Softcover, 224 pgs, 9780689715716

A Polish family in the Middle Ages guards a great secret treasure and a boy's memory of an earlier trumpeter of Krakow makes it possible for him to save his father.


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