Bible Study Helps & Family Living

Bible Study Helps & Family Living Helps are always discounted at Schoolhouse Publishing

These are the books that will equip you to lead a productive, God-honoring homeschool, and will change you, your family, and your life.  Each of the books in this section has been life-changing in both practical and spiritual ways.  I consider this section to be the feast for your soul.  If you need help, equipping, training, fresh vision, or encouragement, then take time to browse through this section of books.  Enjoy!

An SHP Favorite!, Softcover, 79 pgs

Don't be misled by the title. This book is written for you, homeschool mom. When you were a young girl, didn't you dream of growing up to become a mommy some day? Didn't you play with dollies and practice your parenting skills? What about now? Do you ever dream of the next season of life? Of being a grammy? Do you ever wonder how you can practice to equip yourself to be an effective grandparent that will pass on a legacy of the gospel for your grandchildren? The problem is that American philosophy of the retirement years has completely robbed this most-important season of life from any meaning or value. 

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